"Last Act," by Alexander Darwish - #Fiftyword Challenge (Flash-Fiction)

So, here's a special one for me. First of all, I'd like to thank @Jayna and the community for supporting such an amazing challenge.

I was born on the shores of the Mediterranean, and I've lived my whole life near the sea. It was always awful to hear about the death of a distant friend because he wanted to challenge himself and go even deeper into the water. Most people were fisherman, at least in my own neighborhood and circles as a child, and that of my father's.

So, I wanted to take this opportunity and highlight an important subject. Before I talk about it, here's my entry for this week:

(Credits: Alexander Darwish)

Last Act

And I turned to the sea, not knowing where else to look. The souls behind me were heaving, going back and forth in a cowardly manner. I begged to ask a question, but I forgot what I needed to say. And so, I plunged into the water.

I just wanted to see for just a moment through the eyes of a refugee, not calculating their next step, before treading a path to their madness and demise. Not discussing the politics of the subject, but underlining the psychological drives behind their last act.

Thank you.

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