On The Fence - A fifty word challenge
About: On The Fence
This is a fifty word poem inspired by @alexander.alexis Article: "Do Transexuals Have an Opposite Sex Brain?"
@sykochica Introduction Post:"My Transgender Journey" and My sister's Journey.
Thankyou @ancapbarbie for sending me that link!
On The Fence!
For @sykochica, @alexander.alexis and @ancapbarbie
On the fence!
Him and her...
Hidden and seen!
Right's wrong?
What's wrong aint right?
Take the hormones,
Genital reconstruction!
It's the knife or their life!
Let them be themselves!
If you damn them?
You go to hell!
Every day is a
struggle to breath!
Until They're them,
No relief!
By @anonymummy
@jaynas-minime [fiftywords challen