

This is my entry for the 50 words contest hosted by @jayna. If you would like to join in the fun, you can find it here:

This weeks prompt was "Shade."

I never noticed how oppressive the Oklahoma sun could be as a little girl.
I frolicked through magical fields with elves and fairies, so what did the heat matter to me?
While adults took shelter in the AC, sipping their entirely too sweet tea,
I was shaded by my imagination.

What can I say, I was feeling nostalgic tonight. I really should learn to write, or at least post things, during the day when more people are awake to read them. I read somewhere that there are "optimal posting hours." I just can't seem to keep myself from hitting that post button as soon as I finish something, and it's sooooo much easier to write when the rest of the house is asleep. But oh well, it's 5 o'clock somewhere right? :p

Thank you for reading <3

The image I used is from and it's free for personal and commercial use. You can find it here:

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