The Return - Poem and Fifty Word Story

The salty caress of flecked foam
Whipped up by engulfing wind
The soften edges of well-worn stone
Bubbling swells of churning tides
A whisper in the crash of waves
Of comfort waiting in the cold
In her destructive might she saves
Her current will carry you home

This isn't bang on 50 words, and I don't know if it is even a story, more of an invitation. My, the heart is out today. So here is what I hope is more of a story, at exactly 50 words

Fifty Word Story

Sunlight skimmed the surface of glassy waves, sparkling in the swells. Surf slapped the jagged rocks above the water line, flecks of foam reaching out, speckling her bare legs. She clung to the rough rock, crumbling stone cutting into her hands as she held on, contemplating answering the ocean call.

I was well up on Monday, and spent most of the day writing things I did kind of like, but the heart has gone out since then, and not feeling it. I have something in the works that I am reformatting for steemit, so will probs fall back on that, I am working on a story I currently like, but I doubt it will go anywhere good. I know my darker poetry is seen by others as too cutesie cutesie and old fashioned and rubbish, but I really haven't got it in me to change my style completely at the moment. I had stopped sharing because I appreciate that I need to take feedback and actually improve, so I am sorry to let people down, I am just not sure I will ever get there but I don't want to give up entirely.

I have found the old #fiftyword contest! @Jayna has taken over - find the latest round here with plenty of time for you to enter - how could you not with this 'Sea' theme!

I am really missing the wild ocean at the moment, this photo is from years ago, I love a good storm swept beach.

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