Empty Stomach (#FiftyWords)

Empty Stomach


Officer Jenkins stood blocking the only way out, gun in hand, he shouted.

“Hands in the air!”

The little thief complied. A knife, a bag of fruit and tears fell to the ground.

Silence reigned in the alley.

“Go home, kid.” Said Jenkins as he turned his back and left.

Mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution; justice without mercy is cruelty

  • Thomas Aquinas

Since the beginning of civilization mankind has created laws to preserve order and protect the interest of all its members. Nevertheless, I think that a good heart can sometimes be more powerful that everything that society considers right. Deep in our hearts every human craves justice, but justice is not set in stone. It should always be open for transformation. There cannot be justice without mercy or love, we must see pass beyond hate and the desire to see punishment be implemented.

What do you think? Is justice set in stone or it should be indulging under certain circumstances? Let me know in the comments!

This is my entry for this week's #fiftywords. Thanks to its hostess @Jayna. This initiative has motivated me to sit down and write more.

If you'd like to participate check out her post Fifty Words Challenge and remember that this week's prompt is "CHASE"

Image courtesy of Matthew Henry at Burst

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