Fifty Word Short: Waterfall’s Role


Bilge rat behind a waterfall, For an unexpected brawl.

Arr ship on sight, A Landlubber’s smite.

With full mast, Treasure will be vast.

Cannons raggin’ might, Avast stricken with forthright.

Ye Loaded to the brim, Yer fate was grim.

Back to the waterfall, To hide me windfall.

Till again, Campaign.


Screenshot taken and content written by @enjar for Fifty-word challenge. The Screenshot itself is from a game called Sea Of Thieves developed by Rare.

On the loading splash screens for the game they have this style of poem for giving tips and tricks to the players. I used that as inspiration to write a fan fiction. I do not know much portraying to pirate lingo but I gave it my best. I’ve written a review of the game and will continue thinking of content for it and some other things as well. Thank for reading.

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