Fiftywords: Looming Shadows -- Run

Hey, Fiftywords community it’s been a while since I’ve jumped into one of these prompts. I’ve been off lurking almost week since my last short story tossing some small but encouraging upvotes towards some of the amazing authors still going strong! With this week’s prompt. I thought sure I can come up with one and making it gaming related as well to fit my own niche here on steemit!

Looming Shadows


Jerry was a disturbed individual that lived alone in the woods with imagery friend called Fire. He always ran looking for fire making materials to keep his friend blazing. When nightfall came he feared shadows would encroach causing mayhem. That night the fire was extinguished by rain and he vanished.


Screenshots were taken and content written by @enjar. Screenshots are from a game called Don’t Starve.

Want to find out more about Fiftywords? Read this week’s post to find out the details and the prompt.


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