Goggles - an entry for the 50 word story challenge by @jayna


I'm still not sure whether I was flying or he was really wearing a chewbacca fur coat. The certain thing was the goggles made everything weirder.
"Where the hell did you get these?" I asked, awed by the twisting city lights.
"Nimbin," he replied grinning, "The hippiest town in Oz."

(50 words)

Checkout the challenge here: @jayna/fifty-word-challenge-results-and-new-writing-prompt
So, the writing prompt here was 'lens' which instantly made me think of an actual encounter I had a while ago at a party where I'd had far too much punch. This guy, in a faux fur coat let me borrow his trippy goggles and stare over the lights of my home city at the suddenly twisty twinkling lights. He did say the goggles came from Nimbin, and later research confirmed that not only is it a port of call for all the 'free spirits' but also a bit of a seedy, heroin washout locale. The world is a fascinating place, and I love it when chance encounters like this one highlight that fact so aptly.

(Image source wikimedia commons: )

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