Chicken Chocolate (a 5o-Word Story for @jayna)

Chicken Chocolate (a 5o-Word Story for @jayna)

Greetings, 50-worders and readers. This is my entry to @jayna's #fiftywords challenge. This week’s prompt is
.” You can see the details of the challenge here


Grandma White always brought treats only for Jessy.
Andrea had to chase her across the patio, fighting off the chickens.
Once, as Andrea ran after her sister, she saw a piece of chocolate on the ground.
She grabbed it quickly; swallowed it triumphantly.
Jessy looked at her chocolate.
Nothing missing.

Commentary: shit happens! :)

Chocoguate de Gallina (una historia en 5o palabras)

La abuela Blanca siempre le traía merienda solo a Jessy.
Andrea tenía que perseguirla por el patio, quitándose las gallinas de encima.
Una vez, mientras Andrea perseguía a su hermana (tratando de convencerla que compartiera su merienda), vio un pedazo de chocolate en la tierra.
Lo recogió rápidamente; lo tragó triunfante.
Jessy miró su chocolate.
Estaba completo.


Thanks for your reading. Looking forward to your comments.

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