Dream Chaser (a 5o-Word Story for @jayna)

Greetings, 50-worders and readers. This is my entry to @jayna's #fiftywords challenge. This week’s prompt is
. You can see the details of the challenge here:



         To Anton and in memory of Tía Mama

Dream Chaser

"Chase your dreams!", his Grandma told him in his sleep.
She died that day. Her lost mind rested.
It took young Antonio three buses, three planes, 90 hours to get from Cumaná to Mar de Plata.
No video game had ever provided him such adventure.
This was just level one.

Commentary: My wife’s aunt died some days ago. Afflicted by Parkinson and other complications. A beloved member of a big family, her death occurred two days before Antonio, one of her two grandchildren, joined the Venezuelan diaspora. Mixed feelings have overwhelmed the family, which keeps losing members either to death or migration. Antonio joins the dozens of relatives my wife alone has lost to the diaspora. I had not made up my mind about what to write for this week’s challenge, when I read a text from Antonio´s mother, summarizing in numbers her son’s journey, which went by without any inconveniency thanks to, they all agree, his grandma’s protection. To @eleidap I owe this vignette.

Buscador de sueños (una historia en 5o palabras)

Para Anton y a la memoria de Tía Mama

Vuela alto, le dijo su abuela en sueños.
Murió ese día. Todos sus recuerdos perdidos en la fosa de Parkinson, pero respaldados en la maleta de su nieto.
Le tomó a Antonio tres buses, tres aviones, y 90 horas para llegar de la punta del Mar Caribe hasta el Sur del Océano Atlántico.
Ningún juego de videos le había proporcionado semejante aventura.
Y este era apenas el primer nivel.


Thanks for your reading. Looking forward to your comments.

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