Ephemeral (a 5o-Word Story for @jayna)

Greetings, 50-worders and readers. This is my entry to @jayna's #fiftywords challenge. This week’s prompt is
. You can see the details of the challenge here:



I was five when I came here; had a grandpa!
We didn’t visit often, but loved his simple ways; I was his gringa.
One day Daddy took me to a clinic.
--He can’t talk but he feels you.
--He’ll be ok?
--No, sweetie. Give Grandpa your best goodbye.

We have been saying goodbye to a lot of people lately. Friends and family are dying at a faster pace. Additionally, friends and family are leaving the country on a daily basis, an unheard-of occurence. But, when I read the prompt what came to my mind was the thought of a child who had to say untimely goodbye to a beloved relative. I thought of my daughters who did not have the chance to know their grandfather well. I can't fathom the pain of both not seeing each other grow or fade; not giving the other whatever is there to give.


Tenía cinco años cuando me trajeron. ¡Tenía un abuelo!
No lo podíamos visitar a menudo, pero me encantaba su humilde forma de quererme. Yo era su gringa.
Un día Papi me llevó a una clínica.
--No puede hablar pero puede verte y oírte.
--¿Pero va a estar bien, verdad?
--No, mi amor. Dale tu mejor adiós a tu abuelito.

By Thomas Quine - Grandfather clock, CC BY 2.0,

Thanks for your reading. Looking forward to your comments.

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