#Fiftywords Short Story Challenge: 6 & 9: No choosing sides.

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This is my entry for this week's #fiftywords short story Challenge coordinated by @jayna now using a new account @jaynas-minime, as her original account is having issues at present.

Hope you recover it soonest!

This is the link to this week's prompt @jaynas-minime/fifty-word-challenge-the-week-in-review-and-new-prompt

The prompt this week is "fence".

6 & 9: No choosing sides

I have a new story to tell
About great moments I cherish

This is a whole new experience
I see the world differently now

It was hard
Having to choose sides

So I practically sit on the fence
Neither here nor there

Grace found me
A testimony of his miracles.

The End!!

Thanks for reading!!!

@lightoj 2018

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