50 word stories - A resurrection!


My very first post, seven months ago, was a fifty word story. You can read it below if you didn't catch it the first time around!
($0.02 payout, in case you were wondering, off and running!)

It's a format I've always liked. The requirement for precision and structure, the deliberation over choice of words, the complexity of building a character and the arc of a story under the constraint of a reduced word count - these elements all appeal to me, and I think they fit my style of writing.

I plan to post more of them this year. The fiftywords tag seems to be empty and unused, the "newest" post in there being four months old. It's in need of a resurrection!

If you would like to join me, just post in that same tag "fiftywords". I'll happily resteem the one I like best each day and no doubt I will offer some of my small upvotes as encouragement.

If we get enough stories I may do something more organised - perhaps some themed events and small contests (an annual conference, a bestselling book of our collection, the launch of the 50word SMT to make us all rich!). I'm sure you get the gist.

I'll also be running an experiment where I post my fifty word stories on other crypto social networks (although steem first obviously!) There will be a few of these sites popping up this year, in addition to those that are already out there, and I'll be interested to see where the genre fits best. I'll let you know how that goes, let me know what you think!

So here it is, back where my steem journey began!

50 word story: End of the line?


At the end of the line was the village of her childhood photographs. Empty beach and open sky. The space to breathe, to run, to cast the endless arguments like tangled nets into the sea. To remember who she was. To decide who she will be.

Return trip? Or single?

3 columns
2 columns
1 column