fiftywords stories: Round-up and Theme for Weekend 2: Time


The hours drag through the week. The days fly by at the weekend. In order to combat time’s somewhat erratic flow I shall be launching the weekend fiftywords on Friday mornings. We shall steal an extra day of celebration. The weekend starts here!

Thank you to everyone who gave their feedback on the proposed fiftywords timescales. It’s always helpful to get some feedback and I appreciate it. Twice-a-week seems to be the preferred choice, so twice-a-week we shall have. I will aim to send out a new weekend fiftywords theme on Friday mornings (original GMT time) and a weekday theme on Mondays to carry through the week ahead! Let’s run with that for now and see where we end up.

Also a big thank you to everyone who joined-in with the dreams and nightmares theme. We had some soft and dreamy stories and some frankly terrifying stories and some thoughtful pieces too. I particularly liked this work from @hannihealth.


Lovely prose and structure and fifty words on the nose! Congratulations also to for topping the fiftywords trending list this week with their dream dance story. Another great work!

Our numbers have swelled again this week. Please welcome these authors to our ranks:
@vaitelavicius,, @greycrasan, @birchmark, @hannihealth, @lonestarpoet and @spalatino.

And of course a congratulatory round of applause and pat on the back for all of you who have joined in so far. At the end of week two we’ve now had sixty-two original stories from thirty amazing authors - here’s the list of all contributors if you want to visit your fellow fiftyworders!

@authorofthings, @bentheredonethat, @birchmark, @byn, @calluna, @crookshanks, @deirdyweirdy, @elijahniel12,, @greycrasan, @hannihealth, @hazem91, @improv, @jrhughes, @kyrian, @lonestarpoet, @mctiller, @metzli, @miniature-tiger, @navaneeth, @niallon11, @not-a-bird, @saoirseronan, @saryn, @someoneusual, @spalatino, @thechosenwhan, @vaitelavicius, @yadah04, and @yomibolo.

I've generated this list automatically - although I do believe I've read every story!
If I've missed you off, sorry! It's no slight, you're just sneaking through the cracks in my query - I didn’t get any complaints last week so hopefully it’s working Just let me know if it isn’t; it would be helpful to me too.

The new fiftywords theme for the weekend is "time". Challenge yourself to produce a fiftywords story with some element of time, whether it’s a lack of time, a good time, closing time, or time travel! Plenty of directions to choose from.

I'll round up again on Monday with the weekday theme. I will be happily resteeming one of the stories I like best and no doubt I will be offering some of my small upvotes as encouragement.

Thanks for reading everyone and good luck with your stories! Oh and have a great weekend!


If you would like to join in, particularly if you're new to the platform, or recently returned, and looking for somewhere to start, please do! Just post your story with the "fiftywords" tag. You can follow the theme or simply take your inspiration where you find it. The only unbreakable(!) rule is to keep it to fifty words - ideally fifty on the nose - and also try and produce a complete and contained scene, moment, or story. In a future post I'll try and put some thoughts together as to what I think makes a good fiftywords story. But everyone will have their own ideas and all are welcome!

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