A Change in Direction :: 50 Word Short Story

A day early am I. @jayna's Fifty Word Story Challenge typically awaits me at the end of my Friday workday. This time around, however, I will be out of town Friday and Saturday, and must plan ahead.

The prompt this week: change

I wrote a couple days ago about winds of change in my life, my not unexpected yearly migration north for the summer. I do hope the events in this short story do not come to fruition, but I admit I thought about it as I face the long 1500 mile trek ahead. As such, that is the basis for my story.

A Change in Direction

Our car spun on black ice, a blur of changing directions. My wife screamed, our daughter in back flung against her seatbelt.

We hit the guardrail with a crunch of metal and a spray of glass.

Life changed forever for two of us that day, and ended for the third.

Title image by @negativer using Canva

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