searchlight :: 50 word short story

A busy week for me that cannot be concluded without collecting 50 words together in the form of a short story for @jayna's excellent 50 Word Challenge with the prompt of 'light.'

This time around, I'm basing my story on @jayna's own submission, which she snuck in DAYS before her own deadline. How unexpected! She must be as busy as me, and you steal what time you can from the day to do what you really want to do.

Back to subject at hand, I did a mild continuation of @jayna's story in an attempt to wrap up the intentional open-endedness of hers. I think I ended up leaving mine equally open-ended, depending on your interpretation. Oh well.

I was surely lost. I had run too far into the deep forest where branches clutched and thorns pricked. The impossible light followed my flight, more fleet of foot than any beast I knew.

I fell, and the warm light covered me.

I was lost, but now I am found.

Title image by @negativer using Canva

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