undiscovered discovery :: 50 word short story

Once again, we are blessed by @jayna's efforts in organizing the Fifty Word Story Challenge.

The prompt this week: wing

This time around, I was fortunate to have some inspiration while I sat outside having morning coffee on Friday. I watched this little butterfly struggling from his tiny white prison for some time before he finally broke free. I followed him around the patio until he finally settled down on a vine outside and I could get some photos.

undiscovered discovery

“Ew! Disgusting! Gross!” All the other kids laughed and ran away, searching for something new to mock.

Katie stayed behind, bent over and watching the chrysalis giving birth to beauty.

“You can do it,” she breathed.

The butterfly’s body finally flexed free, and it spread its wings to the sun.

And a few more images of the hero of today's story.

Just before I opened the screen door, he gave me a shot where I could get the sunlight behind his translucent wings.

Finally, he settles down somewhere pretty amidst the vines of our white jasmine. Good luck, little guy.

Title image by @negativer using Canva. All photos by @negativer.

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