FiftyWords Challenge - Chocolate Dreams


"I would like you to eat the porridge. It is late."


"No, dear. You must finish the breakfast."

"But it has no taste..."

"I'm sorry, son. This is all we have."

"One day, mom... One day I will have chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And you will too."

This week, the given prompt for 50-word challenge hosted by @jayna is chocolate. The delicious treat can be sweet or bittersweet. What to choose?
I thought about it all week and suddenly I remembered an old article published by one of the Romanian newspapers.
Around Christmas we tend to do good deeds and, in most of the cases, to brag about it. This happened with the article I was talking about. One of the richest business men in Romania gave a huge amount of money to a poor family. Plus, he sent Christmas gifts. The photos showed us five thin children smiling while unwrapping some cheap candy bars. You could see the happiness in their big eyes while their father was crying (the mother died few years ago). What really hit me was the father's answer to the reporter's question on what does he usually put under the tree? A candy bar. I will not list the product's name as it's some local brand...the cheapest one.
Needless to say that poor kids were happy as that Christmas was a perfect one. They got their own chocolates and they did not have to share...for the first time in their life.

This story, and other similar ones inspired my entry to @jayna's challenge. Mother and son (dead father or maybe he abandoned the family) have breakfast as usual. The son, sick of the same tasteless porridge, tried to complain although he knew it's pointless. There is nothing else to put on the table.
For him, chocolate has a different meaning: it is the proof he overcame poverty, the proof he was able to help the one being who always stood by his side.

If you liked this story and the message it sents, please let me know. If you didn't, please let me know. As always, I would appreciate an honest feedback. 🙂

The photo I used is one of my own, digitally enhanced. Choosing this photo might seem strange but is makes perfect sense coordinating it with the backstory and the 50-word text. Juniper is a powerful healing plant with a bitter taste (maybe just like the every day porridge?) and it is associated to protection (what the son wants to offer to his mom).


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