Hellfeast - 50-Word Short Story Challenge

Image credit - Mercy for animals

I push myself as hard as I can into the corner of the crate, maybe the demons will not see me. The screams of the others, the pleas as they are slammed into the machine ripping off heads. Our souls will be long gone when the monsters feast on our bodies.


Writing notes:

Thanksgiving and Yule/christmas have become dreaded events when it comes to social media for me. So called civilized people from a civilized society gorge themselves on the bodies of tortured and brutalised non humans in the name of thankfulness and peace. people love to point to lions when I bring up the barbery of our actions and other incredibly stupid arguments. Fact is we are not lions and no longer depend on meat to survive or thrive. Infact science not only tells us that eating meat and dairy is unhealthy and killing us it is killing our planet on a grand scale. Animal agriculture is one of the primary reasons for climate change, it is the main reason that 60% of wildlife has gone extinct in the past 30 years , it is next to political red tape the primary reason for world hunger, the primary reason for ocean dead zones , the primary reason for soil and water pollution. These non humans we enslave are intelligent beings capable of much more than we give them credit for, they have families , dreams and wishes of their own yet we because we deem ourselves superior as the dominant species treat them like commodities without souls or worth.

This world I live in is a world of horrors I see loved ones stuff their faces with corpses and the screstions of non humans and it fills me with dread and sorrow. Otherwise decent people have no compassion for their victims or the future generations whose planet they are destroying ... It is hard for me to live in a world like this I feel infinitely alone. We humans could be so much more, we could be protectors of this planet not destroyers, but I fear as a race we are just to selfish ... I mean how can one have hope for a population who when presented with the horrors and destruction of animal agriculture say things like "bacon though " We are devil incarnate for every other being on this planet ... How can this not disturb us make us change our ways ? I lost hope years ago sadly ... still I try to put my voice out there as I cannot remain silent ...

This was written for the 50-Word Short Story Challenge @jayna this prompt is still open until she posts the new one so be quick if you want to enter


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(Image credit Dave Renike and a portrait of the fair jubilee made by myself turned into this here universal truth meme) 1146410_626398614061443_1547687283_o.jpg


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art courtesy of @PegasusPhysics



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this little girl was made for me by @barbara-orenya

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