A Feast (50-Word Story for @jayna)

@jayna runs a regular 50-word challenge. You write 50 words, post to your blog, tell her, and sometimes she chooses your story to win. If you haven't tried it, you should! This one just closed, follow her for more.

Here's my story for this latest round:

If You Wait Until They Clean Up . . .

Source: Giphy

One whispered “feast your eyes on this!”

In silence, the others watched a man carry the food:

Sweet potato pie. Turkey. Cranberry sauce. Gravy. Brussels Sprouts. Cornbread. Ham. Applesauce. Grilled vegetables of all kinds. All in a bag.

The man dropped the bag in the trashcan.

Thanksgiving for the raccoons!


Hope you enjoyed. Keep steemin' people!!!

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