fiftywords (BLOOD): A Night Swim


Moonlight glistened in the swirls of the river. From somewhere, the steady thud of guards on patrol.

Still, the young girl crouched and watched, waiting. Behind her, a man sat motionless, lifeless. Blood pooled.

It was getting cold.

Suddenly, lights flashed. She sheathed her dagger and jumped into the river.


This is my submission for the #fiftywords series by @miniature-tiger, so titled because the story has to be kept to 50 words. This week's theme is BLOOD. Check it out!

Photo credit: Pixabay

Update: This story has been selected for the weekly resteem by @miniature-tiger! See here. Really honoured for this fiftywords story to be selected and I'll be contributing more in the future. Follow me for more!

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