BFC17_09 Father

by Dara Griffin

A forest guardian wakes up after hundreds of years to discover that his forest is the last left on Earth. To protect this last piece of life from the Machines, Father must make difficult choices and hard sacrafices.

Dara Griffin says. “My vision for 'Father' was to create a film that could bring together as many artists in the animation course of IADT, Dun Loaghaire, as was possible. Many graduate films before had focused on the artistic creation of one individual, but I wanted to break free from that stereotypical student production. Over 18 different animation students worked on 'Father' during the course of its production, ranging from first years all the way up to myself and Sarah Peters in fourth year. No matter how many years of education one receives, I knew that everyone enters with a raw talent for creativity, and I wanted to use that raw talent to give my film a new perspective. With this form of collaboration, I had a lot of freedom to direct the film in the way I wanted to, rather than being limited by time and my own limited imagination. I had 18 creative minds working together to create what one could not.

The film itself was based on the idea that we, as humans, can only push this planet to a certain point. Eventually we will spark the wrath of Mother Nature, a force that has no mercy and does not need humanity at all. I wanted to show that, no matter how far we push nature to its limits, it can always evolve, whereas we cannot. Father embodies that nature that we know, the nature that we break and abuse. Mother represents that nature that does not care whether we live or we die. Both halves of nature meet the Machines, and both respond in different ways.”

 Dara Griffin was born in Rochester, Minnesota. In 2008, she moved to Ireland with her family. In 2013, she began college in IADT, Dun Laoghaire, where she studied animation. Four years later, she has graduated with a First Class Honors in Animation and is currently working as a Key Background Artist in Boulder Media.

If you like this film, please upvote it. The film with the highest number of votes on October 24th, 12am CET will win the award.

All generated Steem Dollars will go into a jackpot. 

50% of it will be paid out to the winner film

25% to the second place

10% to the third place. 

The remainder will be used to fly in the winner to Lisbon and host him or her at SteemFest.

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