The Cons/Hustles/Scams in Ocean's 12 - What do the names mean?

Lost in Translation, Swinging Priest, Crazy Larry, Soft Shoulder & the Looky-Loo with a Bundle of Joy.

Ocean's Twelve:

I recently wrote a piece for steemit outlining all the scams and hustles from Ocean's 11. It proved popular, so I figured I would back it up with the ones from Ocean's 12. If you wish to read the original post, you can find it HERE-OCEAN'S 11 HUSTLES , and now on with the business.

1. Lost in Translation:

Danny and Rusty take Linus with them to meet Matsui, and they use a "Lost in Translation" on Linus, which means they are trying to confuse him by talking in complete gibberish. They each tell a story more ridiculous than the first, totally flustering Linus.

2. Smugglers Paradise, Swinging Priest, Crazy Larry, Soft Shoulder, Bakers Dozen, and Hell in a Handbasket.

All of these hustles are mentioned as Linus, Turk and Basher are considering which 3-person scam they would use. As each of these particular hustles require more than 3 people to accomplish, they go unexplained.

"All right, well,Iet's go over the list again.
-Swinging Priest?
-Not enough peopIe.
-Crazy Larry?
-Not enough peopIe.
-Soft Shoulder?
-Not enough peopIe.
-Baker's Dozen?
-No woman and not enough people.
hell in a handbasket?
We can't train a cat that quickly.
And not enough peopIe."

3. Looky-Loo with a Bundle of Joy.

In a clever little movie twist, the Ocean's gang play on the fact that Danny's wife, Tess looks like Julia Roberts.
In the '"Looky-Loo with a Bundle of Joy" con, Linus, Basher, and Turk bring "Tess" in to impersonate the celebrity, Julia Roberts, who so happens to be pregnant at the time, hence the Bundle of Joy part.

In my next part, I will explain Ocean's 13, and there are some great ones there. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.


I need to credit Jackson Mohsenin @ Quora

& Adel Johnson @ allthelittlethings


for providing me with nearly everything i wanted to know for this post.

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