ELEMENTAL - My Earthy, Artsy Music Video / Short Film

This film was a FINALIST in the 72 Hour Filmmaker's Showdown, which I participated in for several years during the World Ski and Snowboard Festival in Whistler, BC.

I edited other films that made it to the finals, but I shot and edited ELEMENTAL almost entirely by myself, and did the drumming and some of the vocals. This was back when my last name was Koric (my ex-husband helped on the film, too! The link at the end goes to his website. If you want to check me out, Steemit is best.) I don't even remember what year this was shot, but probably 2002 or 2003.

That's me in the film, drumming and dancing. I wrote the poem as well, part of which I translated into Sindarin, the language created by J.R.R. Tolkien, used by the elves in The Lord of the Rings.

I actually posted the poem before, but it's been 9 days, and I hadn't dug the film file out of the basement to post yet, so here it is again:

I WALK WITH MINDFUL STEPS, a poem by Katrina Ariel

I walk with mindful steps
And peaceful breath
I am part of every breath and
Heartbeat of this planet

Every tree’s roots are intertwined
And all the earth is one
The fire of the sun will ever circle
And water flows endlessly into itself

Earth is my body
Amar nin rhaw

Water is my blood
Gaearon nin iar

Air is my breath
Gwelu nin thul

Fire is my spirit
Naur nin faer

I breathe love
Thuia meleth

Within the heartbeat of
Im-hun-dringa en

Forest voices
Taur lamath

Golden sky
Malthen menel

Voices of light
Lim o lamath

Sindarin words in italics above. Some translations below:

Forest – Taur (also means great, king, vast, overwhelming, huge…)
Golden – Malthen
Sunlight – Glawar (also radiance)
Sky – Menel
Voices – Lamath
Clear, sparkling light – Lim
Peace – Sidh

There are various Sindarin translators, dictionaries, and tutorials online. If you head off in that direction, enjoy the dive down the rabbit hole created by Tolkien and his fans!

Peace! @katrina-ariel
curled up in Earth

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