Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic and Movie critics Why you shouldn't listen to them

This is not the first time petitions are made against rotten tomatoes and metacritic on platforms like The recent campaign on have been signed by 23,000 people around the globe. What does this say? are people being just fanboys? or like some of the conspiracy theories say are critics really against entertainment and picking fights with specific franchises.

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I actually feel that there are double standards when it comes to comic book movies. Lets take the example of Thor Raganrok from marvel which was critically celebrated by most of the critics. Even though there was lot of comedy (sometimes too much), critics were okay with it. I mean common who would crack a joke when your homeland gets destroyed, and i never saw critics complaining about the film.

But, when Justice league got released like it always happens to DCEU movies critics went full fledged with negative reviews. Yeah, maybe the movie had a little pacing issues and CGI issues, but does it deserve to be crucified like this? absolutely not. Because these comic book movies are meant for entertainment and to give a live adaptation experience to the fans who are hooked on to comics, even though general audience are part of the targeted audience these are made for the passionate fans.

But critics would never go easy on these movies unless there is a marvel formula applied to the movie which is jokes and one liners every now and then, let it be a serious or funny moment lets put some jokes here, there and there too. But there awesome movies like the captain america: winter soldier, Ant man, Doctor Stranger, Iron man from marvel. So if your movie doesn't have the awkward fun moment you are next, if you decided to go independently and go with a little dark tone, ahem you are screwed.

So it is about time people, we should stop listening to critics, go and see the movie for yourself and decide it is good or bad as simple as that.

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