Film Criticism: The Lobster - Social Pressure

The director of the movie Yorgos Lanthimos is known for his 2009 film Kynodontas. With Kynodontas, the director became famous, and with Lobster, everyone heard his name. The lobster has received good review by both critics and festivals. The film in the dystopic world, David (Colin Farrell), who was on the lead, was closed to a house because he was widowed. In this house only bachelors and servants living with him. David will be given 40 days to find a new wife. If he does not find a partner within this time, he will be transformed into a animal of his choice. Film's name comes from the animal David wants to transform. David will not be able to find a wife in herself and will have to live a fugitive life.


The film combines dystrophy and sociological elements. We see a woman on the opening scene killing an animal. At first we look normal to this. Because its the only animal she killed. But as the film progresses, we realize that the fact that there was actually a murder. If we knew it at first, it would bother us. The director playing with us. Then we see the main character David at his bachelor's house. He's taken to his room first. Then his hands are tyed by an employee. Because it is forbidden to masturbate. That's where sociological pressure comes in. Society looks bad at masturbation. With this scene, we can actually see the first imprint of the community on the individual.


David has to find a wife because of the situation. In the meantime, he meets other people. When we look at people we see a total artificiality. A man is faking to match a woman. He breaks his own nose to accept himself. Other women are trying to find a partner like the same. Men are compromising their own characters to keep up with it. At this point, the director shows a big problem in society. Women want to be with men like themselves. But this is impossible. The differences between the genders are even greater as each individual is different. Men also lie to the women at the very beginning to like them. The relationship is based on lies from the very beginning.


David flees out in this environment when he can not relate to fraud. There is another chaos out there waiting for him. There is a utopian world opposite the dystopic world. There is no utopian world in this film actually. David seems to be the utopian at first when he crosses the other side. They are rebl. But the situation here is not so different. This time, it is forbidden for people to get in touch with each other. And the punishment is quite heavy as in the first environment. The fact that both worlds are corrupted is actually a crumbling society. In the face of evil or oppression we immediately establish our utopian world. This world is the opposite of evil. This system works very well in our thinking. But when the passion passes, the human selfish goes in. When this circuit enters, your utopian world will turn into a dystopian world. The film is very successful in telling both worlds. Colin Farrell is able to give exactly the character to be given. There is a utopian event at the end of film. They are not losing. Or film not showing winning something. This shows us the hope simulation of the world we live in.


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