Rustic colors of the Idaho Panhandle | Selkirks on Kodak Portra 400

2018-03-11 08.39.10 2.jpg

Selkirks on Kodak Portra 400

I wish everyone the chance to experience the North Idaho Selkirks in the fall. There is a quality about the atmosphere in September and October that is almost impossible to describe. It's almost as if the light falls on the landscape differently than at other times of the year, or if the atmosphere isn't filtering light in the same way. Perhaps it's the fact that our smoky skies have cleared and we have forgotten how sweet the fresh mountain air smells, and how light the sky above us appears. Either way, it's a magical time of year and a simple hike through the woods will give your senses as much as they can take in and more.

I used a fully manual Pentax KX SLR with a 50mm lens for this photo. It's shot on Portra 400. I metered for the shadows set at film speed 200, so it is overexposed by one stop. I did not pull the exposure in post. I was right on the verge of overexposing for my personal tastes, but thankfully retained enough detail in the sky.The colors rendered beautifully on this film stock and the film grain is at a minimum.

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