The Middle Class Is NOT Allowed To Own Any Real Assets.

In The USSA, and I believe in most of the westernized world, the middle class is not allowed to own any real assets.

What defines the middle class, as opposed to the lower class (or serfs) is the ownership of productive assets. Productive land and small businesses. Over the past century these have been completely stripped from the middle class. Now, the middle class are just well paid serfs.

Let us make a list of assets that middle class people think they own:

  • House
  • Car
  • Stocks
  • Money in the bank
  • Social Security
  • Small Business


Your house is not your asset. It is the banks asset. And even if you have it paid off, it is still real estate. Real, as in El Camino Real. (As in road of the kings). As in the kings estate. The govern-cement owns it, and you pay rent on it (property tax) or else the govern-cement will come and kick you off the property you thought was yours.

Your house also creates no income for you. It is a liability. It is a money sink just so that you can have a comfortable place to sleep. It is constantly degrading over time / in constant need of repair. Your house is not something you can just sell to raise capital. If you did, you would just transfer the moneys to a new place to sleep.

FYI: Mortgage is a french word that literally means, death note. Or you will pay until you are dead.

Your house, is simply not your asset.


Do you own your car?
Even if you have your pink slip in your hand?
Well... did you register it? Registration means that you gave your car to the govern-cement in exchange for exclusive privilege to use it. Of course the state has fallen through on their end of the deal, but we are already brainwashed to pay every year.

Besides, your car is just a pile of rust in the making. It is either a job necessity, or an expensive burden. But for a rare few, it doesn't put money in your pocket.


It is said that rich people own preferred stock, common people own common stock.
However, today, it is even worse. The common people are relegated to common stock, but they don't even own that anymore. Your broker actually owns the stock.

Have you heard of DTCC failure to deliver? It is actually a very common occurrence. You paid for a stock, and... you bought nothing, because someone sold something that doesn't exist. There isn't any auditing of the markets to make sure that people are selling something they own. In fact, bare naked shorting seems to be the norm.

And, even worse, the broker may not have even purchased the stock. Not until you actually ask for it, will they actually acquire it. And if it is too expensive, they will just give you your money back.

Unless you actually call up the broker and the corporation's lawyer and have the stock transferred into your name, you don't own any stock.

Money in the Bank

So many people talk about their money in the bank.
However, the fact is much grimmer.

You do not have any money in the bank. You gave your money to the bank. Its gone, fwip. They are under no obligation to give it back to you.
Further, legally speaking, you are the last person in line for receiving anything if the bank goes bust. (Sure, there is the FDIC, but that is just the american people paying the american people for any loss in the system.)

The govern-cements have all passed laws that the money in banks can be confiscated at any time it is deemed necessary. By the bank or by the govern-cement. Bail-ins are not a far off possibility, they are on stand-by with a hair trigger.

Money in the bank? Right up until the moment that it disappears.

Social Security

I am sure that everyone here knows that SS is a ponzi scheme. Where the current generation of earners are paying the retirement of the last generation. That there is no money in the SS fund.

But, what I am really here to point out is that article 666 states that by signing the card, you give all of your stuff and future labor to the govern-cement. That is correct. If you have a SS card, you own nothing. You are only the current user of that stuff, and the govern-cement can come and take it any time they wish.

Small Business

Who am I kidding, they no longer exist.
It used to be the american dream, but it has been relegated to the dump, and regulated out of existence.

And so, systematically, the middle class has been removed from its wealth. They are now just highly paid serfs, debt slaves. The middle class is not just dying, it is dead. Sure, there are some well paid lower class people still, that are called middle class.

The people that are now making it are starting mobile enterprises. Things like chicken tractors on leased property, where they can abandon the property with a small notice. Or they are on-line businesses that have very little start up cost, and so can be abandoned at any difficulty.

What an upside down world we live in.

Image in this post is my own original creation.
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