Let's Find and Reward Steem's Contributors

Me 101

Hello everyone, this is Bhuz!

Some people already know a bit about me, other probably know nothing (who said John Snow?!) anyway, even for the latter, what should be enough to know is that:

  • I am a long time witness
  • Few days ago I was voted back into the top #19.

This is NOT an #introduceyourself post (hi there wang!), so you will have to suffice with that!

So what, why this post?

I am neither a writer/blogger nor a native english speaker, so I will be quite brief and simple.

I want to publicly state my intentions about how I would like to use part of my witness's pay. At least for the near future.

I also want to highlight how the following should only be taken as intentions... no everlasting promises what so ever, no pinky swear, no cross on hearts and hope to die, no needle in my eye either!
...You never know...

So, as the title may suggest:
I would like to "redirect" part of my future witness's pay to some of those people who are actively contributing to STEEM's development and growth!

Identifying eligible contributors - Draft

In particular, I would like to focus on those that are NOT already profiting and getting richer and richer from the platform. Meaning:

  • No devteam's members
  • No active/top #19 witnesses (runners up may be considered)
  • No already successful steemians
  • The poorer the better

So, what are you waiting for?!

Publicly state my intentions is only a means to achieve the main goal

I would like some feedback and help to identify:

  • Rules to select eligible contributors (changes in the Draft above)
  • Find the actual contributors, the projects they are working on, and how much the community feels those projects are important and worth to be rewarded for


Finally, to conclude, I would simply ask:

  • if you have some idea about how to better identify eligible contributors
  • if you know some of them and you think their work need to be rewarded
  • if you are a contributor yourself and you think your work is worthy

...please help me and let me know in the comments below!

Let's start operation #FindAndReward !

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