The Old Dog Asks: Did THAT Sweatshirt Really Make me More Attractive to Women?

  Why were so many women approaching me? This didn’t normally happen!     

Does a woman's perception of a man change depending on what he is wearing? I had never given it much thought. All of that changed one day a few years ago.   

How I Came to Wear a "Uniform"   

I have a good boyhood friend who worked for many years for the Toronto Fire Department. Once, when I went to visit him he gifted me a pullover (sweatshirt) with the Toronto Fire Department logo on the front and the words, in gigantic lettering, "Toronto Fire" on the back.  

Little did I know what would happen next!

Disclaimer: I've been a happily married one-woman man for over 32 years!

Actually I was dressed like a "bum" but what was written on my back had the women swarming like a school of fish!

What Did I Experience While Wearing a “Uniform”?  

 All of a sudden women started approaching me. With a friendly smile and a cooing voice they'd say things such things as:   

  • "Oh wow! Are you really a fire man?"  
  • "Ooooh! Do you work for Toronto Fire?"  
  • "Hi there! I see that you're a fireman!"    

  I'd answer:  

  • “well, um er, no…,no,no, oh, oh, because of this shirt? No, no, this was give to me by my friend. 
  • My friend works for Toronto Fire not me.”    

What Was Their Reaction to The Fact That I Wasn't a Fireman?

  When they'd learned the truth they’d say something like:  “Oh oh, I see” and walk away! 

My 10 seconds of attractiveness and fame were quickly over! Obviously the attraction wasn’t me but the perception of me as a fireman!  

  What my Friend Told Me  

  When I told my friend what had happened to me when I wore the “uniform” he replied very nonchalantly, “ Oh yah that’s normal. It happens all the time.”  

My buddy the real fireman giving me a tour of his station.

  What Some Say About The Seeming Attraction!  

  According to Psychologist and Relationship Expert, Dr. Jeanette Raymond, Ph.D., "The 'uniform' may signify that the man is able to manage life's troubles. We all want those to whom we are attached to be able to stay solid when we are a mess so that we can count on them. It spells safety and security."  

  What do You Think?  

  • Do firemen exude a certain aura that women find attractive? 
  • Does it supersede that of a policeman or a military man? 
  • Have you ever worn a uniform?    

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