Fish facts #3 - Jeremy Wade feat. The Golden Dorado [Video]

 The Golden Dorado is extremely beautiful and majestic fish it's a great attraction as a fishing target. This fish fights hard and jumps high while hooked by angler so it's definitely not an easy prey. It's massive jaws and their power impressed me a lot. I really wish to have opportunity catching this gorgeous monster.

 Before you will see the video a short information about this fish.  

 The Golden Dorado or River Tiger (Latin:  Salminus brasiliensis, Cuvier, 1816 )


Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) 

Order: Characiformes (Characins) 

Family: Characidae 

Genus: Salminus 

Species: S. brasiliensis  


 South America: Paraná, Paraguay, and Uruguay River basins; Laguna dos Patos drainage, upper Chaparé and Mamoré River basin in Bolivia. Occurrence in the remaining Amazon River highly doubtful. 

 Size / Weight  

Max length : 100.0 cm; 

max. published weight: 31.4 kg;

max. reported age: 9 years;


 Freshwater; benthopelagic; potamodromous 

Tropical:  ~~ 20°C - 28°C 

 Short description

 The golden dorado has a massive head and extremely strong jaws with sharp teeth. Mature fishes are yellow to golden colored, but young fishes are more silvery. This fish reaches maturity in around 37 cm body length. The average weight of the golden dorado is about 3–10 kg. Females grows larger than males.


 The native habitat is  warm freshwater. Occurs in ponds. Carnivorous which feeds on fish, crustaceans and small vertebrates (small mammals, lizards and birds).  

 Supporting source:


Alternative Video (For those who can't see original)

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