Fishing trip plans for Pedasi (Panama) [Videos]

Hi everyone!
I'm preparing for next month fishing trip to Pedasi (Panama) with my friends from Sashimi Fishing Team.

I'm really excited because it's going to be my first proper ocean fishing journey and I have a lot of new achievements to complete. I want to catch as many different species of fish as it's possible. You can see down below a list of some of the species you can possibly meet there.

Obviously we are not gonna aim for catching Humpbacks, Killer Whales, Whale Sharks but as I said before I'll try to catch as many species as I can.
For sure I'm rookie if it comes to fishing in oceans but this only brings my excitement level to the top. Even now I can't stop thinking about the moment when I'll first cast my rod and feel the first bait of some huge tuna or amberjack which about my friends were telling me that much.
We are planing to stay there 2 days and there will be 4 of us. If you are interested of the costs it's around 100-120$ per person including food, transport and hotel. We are gonna go with car from Panama city to Pedasi and from there we are going to loan a boat. I'm not sure which fishing spots we are gonna choose but probably that's going to clarify just before the trip.
I'm planning to make big video with all the story about this trip. So wish me luck and keep fingers cross.
Before all of that I got some videos for you guys with fishing in Pedasi.

Check it out:

Here you can find some of my other posts/stories:








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