Fish With Me - Spring Trout Fishing

All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter,
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost

Shot of Frogtown Creek at DeSoto Falls

Fish With Me - Spring Trout Fishing

I had Monday and Tuesday off this week so I decided what better way to enjoy a day off than driving to the N. GA mountains and trying some trout fishing. Instead of getting up before dawn and rushing up there, I thought it would be more relaxing to sleep in a bit, grab so breakfast, and then head up North. Not only does this have the added benefit of more sleep for me it allows the air temperature to heat up to a level that allows me to stand the cold water without waders.

Holy cow! Gas prices are crazy!

My first stop was at my local gas station to fill up and get some oil for the vehicle. It is an older Infinity that burns oil, but it is paid for and it is reliable and as a bonus the heating an air still work! As you can see from the picture above, gas prices are crazy. They usually start to climb this time of year as people get ready to take summer vacations.

Of course, once the tank was full, I had to check inside to see what type of breakfast options they were offering today. If you have ready some of my previous posts, you know how much I love gas station food and in the South, some of the best food can be found at your local gas stations. This particular gas station is great for breakfast and the one across the street is locally famous for Uncle Frank's Bar B Que. Uncle Frank is a transplant from Louisiana and his bar b que is amazing. Most of his sides have a Cajun twist to them that make them more addictive than crack cocaine! So, I get inside and sure enough they have a decent selection of breakfast biscuits and breakfast bowl. I opt for the sausage egg and cheese grits bowl and head back out to start my journey!

Decisions, decisions, decisions!

Honestly, these are like little Styrofoam cups of Heaven!

I run through all the back roads and end up on Interstate 85 headed to Interstate 75 which takes you through Atlanta and then North on 400 until you start hitting mountains. As usual per this time of day, the Atlanta traffic was as thick as my mom's southern accent and not as charming either! I sat in traffic for 20 to 30 minutes and then it slowly, slowly began creeping forward. There are some interesting landmarks to see along this route, but of course I didn't get any shots of them. For instance, you can see the gold dome of the Capitol building that was created with gold from the Georgia mountains. You can also see the Georgia Tech campus, the famous Varsity restaurant, and any number of other Atlanta places of interest.

Please make it stop!

After weaving through the traffic and making up into the mountains, I parked my car and started gathering my gear. This is the first chance I've had to try out my new neoprene river sandals. It is hard for a man of my epic proportions(lol) to find decently priced waders and they usually make me feel like I'm making out with a boa constrictor, so I figured a good pair of river sandals would do the trick in fairly warm weather. I made it down to the creek and the water was cold. I mean really, really cold, but the air was warming up and I'm sure I could tough it out for a few hours. About 5 minutes after hitting the stream, I landed a small rainbow trout that made my heart sing with joy. That was it. Yes you heard me that was absolutely the last fish I would catch that day!

Easy ladies, I'm married!

I wish the pictures did this place justice, it is absolutely stunning.

Luckily, I was able to actually capture the catch of video and hopefully it will show up below without any problems. After making my way down this creek, I re-located to Boggs Creek to try my luck. The stream was just as beautiful, but no luck. I did see another member of the egret/heron those guys are everywhere. He must have been one of their hit men, because he was too stealthy for me to get a photo of. Thanks for fishing with me and tight lines everyone!!


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