Sunday Start!

Hello, my friends!

Today I just wanted to pass on a little suggestion - if you're planning on starting something this coming week in terms of improving your health, fitness, or nutrition, I would like to recommend that you start on SUNDAY! :)

Whether it's implementing a small technique change or you're planning to begin a whole new exercise plan or nutrition overhaul, having Saturday to prep and then beginning on Sunday puts a whole day of potential success under your belt before your week gets REAL.

The last coach I worked with, who wrote amazing (and horrible, but in a good way) competitive CrossFit programming for me, began my training weeks on Sunday. We would check in then, talk about how the last week went and how the one at hand was beginning.

This really stuck with me, because I loved feeling like I was a step ahead before my weekly responsibilities came along - it made me feel even more motivated to continue when my schedule got more demanding, because I'd already made some progress and didn't want to undo my hard work by straying from the plan. I liked having an unencumbered day to get my feet on the ground and start my week strong!

With this approach, I found it harder to make excuses - and I loved that!

Also, from a weight loss standpoint, I hear all the time that "I'll start Monday..." Which frequently turns the weekend into a last-ditch binge because Monday is coming - it's that all-or-nothing mentality that I've found unsustainable and unhelpful in the long run.

Meal prep, anyone? :)

By incorporating some structure into your weekends, I believe you can find more consistent success. Not to say that you can't let loose a little, but by using some of your Saturday to prepare for your Sunday "week start," you're able to get the ball rolling on your healthy habits and not treat every Sunday like a dietary free-for-all, last-meal-on-earth-style blowout.

Believe it or not, I see this a lot with my weight loss clients! Weekends are hard anyway because of social engagements, events, and lack of the structure provided by the workday, so loss of control is not uncommon...

And if you're someone who experiences this - you're not the only one!!! We've all felt like this before I think, so there's no judgment.

I've definitely been there personally, which is why I'm sharing this tip with you! Having a push in the right direction from my coach to start making my Sundays count really did change my life and routine, and I hope it will for you too!

So let's use Sunday to help us make progress, feel better, be healthier, and get some shit done. Hit the gym, fuel your body with healthy foods, drink extra water, or get to bed early... The possibilities are literally endless!

Workouts with friends are always great - they're fun AND productive! :)

For me, when tomorrow rolls around I am going to begin taking glutamine regularly again, for recovery and digestion. That's my Sunday start pledge! What will you start for yourself this Sunday?

How do you guys feel about starting your healthy habits on the last day of the weekend? Let me know!

Please feel free to comment, upvote, or resteem if you'd like! :)

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