Power-Up Fitness Challenge

Have Your Fitness Plans Derailed?


You Start Strong, But Lose STEEM?

Are You Ready (Really Ready) To COMMIT To Change?

Power-Up Fitness Challenge

If you said YES to these questions, then I invite you to Power-Up with us in a Fitness Challenge that uses the power of accountability and financial incentive to motivate and move you upward toward your fitness goals!

What Is It?

  • 6 Week Fitness Challenge
  • Commit to and complete 5 workouts per week—ANY workout of your choosing
  • Invest .5 SBD each week as incentive to follow through with your commitment
  • Upon completion of your five workouts, your .5 SBD investment gets Powered-Up into your “Bank”
  • If you fail to meet your commitment, your .5 SBD gets invested into the “Team Pot”
  • At the end of 6 weeks, you receive back any SBD in YOUR “Bank”
  • Any money in the “Team Pot” will be awarded to one Team Member who writes a Results Post and is voted upon by the Team Members as most deserving

This is all done on the honor system; cheating the system only cheats you and your fitness goals

I must give credit where credit is due…@dreemsteem birthed this vision of a Fitness Challenge where the financial investment and Team accountability would help her get back on the fitness bandwagon, along with many of our fellow Steemians who are struggling with the same struggle. Since this is right up my Fitness alley, I was happy to run with her idea. We called it a Win/Win! And with YOU on board, it’ll be a Win/Win/Win!

What You Need To Do

  • Write at least one SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time-Oriented) that you want to achieve within these 6 weeks and post in the Comments. If you need help with this, let me know.
  • Commit—you must resolve in your heart and mind that you WILL do this Challenge for you. You’re worth it. The time is NOW. Resolve to do it now. If you wait for tomorrow, tomorrow never arrives.
  • Send .5 SBD to @coachjj as your “investment” into Week 1 of the Challenge.
  • Each week, I’ll post a Power-Up Challenge Update and you’ll send .5 SBD each week to @coachjj as your weekly investment.
  • Look for the LAUNCH post of the Power-Up Fitness Challenge on Sunday, April 15th. I will officially kick off the 6 Week Challenge with this post!
  • Comment on THAT post after you complete your first workout.
  • Each day you complete a workout, REPLY to YOUR comment how many days you have completed, thus keeping your own running tally.
  • At the end of the week, if YOUR comment thread shows you’ve completed FIVE DAILY WORKOUTS, your .5SBD goes into your “bank”.
  • If, at the end of the week, YOUR comment thread does NOT show you’ve achieved your five daily workouts, then your .5 SBD gets put into the Team “pot”.
  • The Team “pot” will go toward the most deserving Team Member who writes a Results Post (as voted on by the team).

The time is NOW

This is your opportunity to COMMIT to yourself and have the support of a Team alongside of you and the accountability of a financial investment in YOU! Don’t put your health and fitness on the back burner any longer. The time is NOW!


  • Comment below with your goal!
  • Send .5 SBD to @coachjj
  • Share this post with your friends to grow our Team and ALL of us POWER-UP together!

This post is an OFFICIAL PORT on @dreemsteem's "X Marks the Post" Treasure Hunt.  If you'd like to become a treasure hunter, an official stop, or a sponsor - Follow the map to begin your journey! By the way, she loves good comments even more than upvotes - so be sure to say Hi! 

Top Image: Unsplash by Clem Onojeghuo

Hi Friends! Thanks For Reading!


Hi! My name is Coach JJ and I've been coaching and inspiring athletes to better health and fitness for over five years! I'm a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer at CrossFit Edwardsville in Edwardsville, IL, USA. But, my vision is to bring together the Fitness Community on Steemit in order to have a greater impact on improving the health and fitness of our fellow Steemians.

I'm also a mother of two teens and a self-defined “spicy, sassy Christ-follower” who posts about my personal journey, but loves all those on any journey. Feel free to check out my intro post, get inspired on your fitness journey, or ponder on my faith-based posts. If any of this connects with you, follow me and say Hello!

Happy Steeming,
Coach JJ

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