GK's Super Weight Loss Journey #2

That's me ;) jk I just wanted girls to think I had massive arms.

Today's a day of journey updates!

I have a lot of news to share. Since my last weight lost journey was well received...
I reflected on things over the last few days that I want to share with anyone else who may be trying to lose weight.

I mentioned in my previous post that I had a series of health factors related to my airway that caused some problems for me growing up, shortly after 2 surgeries I lost 70 lbs. Since then I have gained some back, but I am working hard to lose it again.

I have spent countless hours learning about how to eat for healthy weight loss, healthy ways to exercise when you're heavy, and a few big problems that I ran into, that hopefully you can avoid.

My Exercise

Daily Virtual Spin Class (30-60m) + Weights 3-4 times per week

I would go into detail with my weightlifting sets and reps but the cardio has been the healthiest addition to my workouts. I trained in powerlifting for many years. I had a great time but I focused on lifting only. When I incorporated cycling into my exercises it increased the speed at which I lose weight from having a healthy diet.

My Diet

The key to diet is to keep your house free of snack foods. If it isn't accessible to you, you can't eat it. Easy as that. If you're in a calorie deficit and you want a treat, have it at the restaurant, or buy one downtown.

Unless you have some restraint, don't buy a box of icecream bars and sabatoge yourself for the next week.


Peanut ButterEggsRyeCoffee
And spices!

Chicken is a lean protein, it tastes good in everything and its not overly expensive.

Fish is often cheap or free if you have rod. Again fish is a great source of protein and omegas.

Vegetables obvious. Choose your favorites!

Beans Cheap dry or canned. High in protein and fiber. They also keep you full for a long time.

Eggs and egg whites for easy protein.

Rye Crackers and peanut butter for when you need something low carb to crunch.

Spices The key to enjoying a limited diet is to add your own spices.

Thanks for reading, please check back for more journey updates, and please upvote, follow or leave a comment below. - GK

In the coming posts I will discuss how to calculate how many calories your body needs, and debunk some common myths.

Lets end this off with a weigh-in.

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Today's Post: 235.5

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