My Steemit Six Week Challenge - Week 2

My Steemit Six Week Challenge

Week 2

So this week was a little tough. Other than trying to get back into the swing of things, I've also been feeling a bit under the whether for the last 3 days. 

As far as weight loss goes, I've lost about 2% body fat already and things seem to be right on schedule for my goal 10% by the end of these 6 weeks.

 I'm going to stick to the same workout as I did last week, which is why you won't see anything new as far as my regimen goes.

Here's my picture for week 2

August 23, 2016

I want to thank everyone who's supported me so far. It's definitely not a easy task but I know the rewards will be worth it!

If you'd like to see My Steemit Six Week Challenge introductory post, click the link!


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