Alberta Range Roads #runforsteem challenge post

This week finds me in Alberta, but I still have my camera, and itchy feet, so here is a bit of a sample, both from Amisk Wuche, a trail in Elk Island National Park, and some bits of Alberta backroads.

I ran the Amisk Wuche trail a couple days ago, taking along my little dog for her first trailrun. With her advanced age, and small legs, we decided to limit our effort to below 4km, and had a great time, despite sloppy trails, deadfall and alarmingly large piles of scat. :)

Pulling in looked pretty promising.


Molly and Judy are both new to trailrunning, but charged in with enthusiasm.


Still took time for a shadow-selfie. I like this one better than most of mine. :)


Now, on to the challenge run. It was a lot less photogenic, but still had its moments. There was very little traffic, which suits me just fine.


I've been a bit lacking in my posting/steeming lately, with cell tethering being my internet connection, and cell service is a bit spotty out this way, so I'm plugging a couple runs in for this one entry.

I also fumbled a plan of mine, so can't just forward last weeks earnings on the same way without some waiting. I'll be picking someone from the list, and paying my winnings (plus fumbling-fee) to them, in an effort to further promote @jumowa and the awesome #runforsteem challenge. @jumowa/weekly-run-for-steem-challenge-apr-19th-apr-26th-and-payout-for-last-week

Finally, the screenshot for the challenge...


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