Fitness Challenge Update : Bugging Out

It is with a heavy heart that I am withdrawing from the Fitness Challenge organised by @phelimint. There is a bit of an intentional pun there even though I probably should not joke about it. I flagged Last Update that my resting heart rate was abnormally high and when I started getting weird chest pains over the last couple of weeks I thought I better get checked out.


I have a family history of having heart problems and while in my youth I was a bit more carefree (and reckless) now that I’m middle aged I’ve decided I really want to stick around long enough to see my young family grow up. I also really want to see how this Crypto Revolution unfolds because it’s the most exciting thing I’ve seen in decades. Sometimes it just pays to play the long game and be sensible.


When I saw my doctor to fill him in on my recent issues, I also told him that I’d been going to the gym and regularly pushing my heart rate up into the high 180s for over a year now. His response was a surprised and concerned “That is above the theoretical maximum for your age” and he promptly sent me off for some tests. So among other things I have had this Holter Monitor thing strapped to my body for over 24 hours with sticky tape and I haven’t been able to shower! Pewww!


I’d have taken some photos but I don’t want to gross people out with my unattractive body shape (yes, men can have body image issues too!) so I’ll just grab a generic photo to show you what this thing looks like without all the sticky tape. Without going into too much detail it also involved a bit of shaving to get the things attached so now that it’s removed I’ve got a few “Crop Circles” to grow out. Fun times!


Anyway, I haven’t got the results yet but I’m not too worried. It is probably a combination of too much caffeine, reflux and/or anxiety but I’ll hopefully find out later in the week. Then a couple of days later I am heading off on holidays for 10 days where my wife is pretty insistent that I take a break because I've been red-lining pretty hard since 2018 started. All up I think it’s pretty safe to say that I have ZERO chance of hitting my goals before March.


While it feels like a failure I know I can have another crack at getting fit when I get back but for now I’ll just have to turn cheerleader and clap for those who are still taking the challenge head on.

I wish you all the best with hitting your targets!

Go you good things!


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