Fitness Challenge Steemit Style! Creating New Habits


A change from my regular creative writing & whatnot...

So I posted my weightloss journey thus far last week. I've already come a long way since April!

I used to be a fitness instructor up until 2012 and was thin and fit. Then age 40 hit along with some who tf knows what kind of hormonal/age related bullshit and I gained over 90 pounds in nine months. Most of those months were when I was still working out 5-6 days a week, but my body went to hell and I felt like it had totally abandoned me. I've spent the last 5 years trying to find anything that would work for me, but all of the things that worked miracles when I was younger no longer made a difference.

I've spent the past year working on sustainable changes and now I'm ready to step up my pace and get some good energy going by increasing my now dismal fitness levels. I had read about this contest and thought that was a good place to start developing some stronger workout and exercise habits.

I've already lost right around 50 pounds (my scale fluctuates a LOT, but I'm still within a half a pound of fifty pounds lost) and I have at least another 30 to go (although I'm still 50+ pounds from my 'old' weight, I would prefer to have more muscle than I did then as I have no desire to just be skinny. I want to be STRONG, too!)

Here are a couple of side by sides of my progress thus far. Let's hope I can make the next 3 months just as effective for my new goals! (The "after" photos here will be my "before" as far as this contest goes)



So my goals for my 46 year old, super sedentary self, are as follows:

Weight: 194lbs
RHR: 84
Fitness: I can do 5 sets of 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off HIIT cardio before I'm literally ready to vomit from the exertion. I am REALLY out of shape. Seriously 2.5 minutes of cardio does me IN.

GOALS (by March 1st)
Weight 170
RHR: 74
Fitness: I am going to work up to being able to do 20-30 minutes of HIIT (using battleropes and stall bars) at a shot without vomiting :/ Hopefully. I don't know if this works for the contest, but I can not workout outside without allergies knocking me on my ass and it's going to be cold as balls here once January really gets going... so I have to stick with what I have in my house already. If you have suggestions for a better way to have a measurable/compatible goal, I'm all ears.

Pledge 10SBD (edited to add that part because I forgot the first time around)


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