Steem Fitness Challenge Update, Coming into the home stretch.

Just over 4 weeks remaining in the challenge.


This is the last big push for everyone to make there goals. I was getting worried after the holidays and into mid January, but now I'm starting to feel pretty positive again and I'm closing in on my goals. The running is still my most worrisome one, but I'm positive again after breaking that 6mins/km wall and getting down into the high 5s. You can read all about that HERE. I still think shaving another 2 minutes off the whole 5k run, but I think I can do it.

I've also seen big changes in my heart rate over the last couple weeks too, after the record setting run and few days later I did those sprints till I almost puked and I feel like it really kick started something, I'll post my daytime average below, but I've recently found my heart rate sitting under 50 when I'm just sitting around and awake. This has been a sudden drop of almost 10 points, so I guess my body is finally responding to the running.


Lastly my weigh it being a bit stubborn and I think it's because I've just been so damn hungry recently. I've been having much larger meals then I usually do. I've been able to avoid snacking again (mostly) but I'm just eating more food. I've been feeling overall a bit weird recently and think I nailed it down to my wife's pregnancy, You can read about that here.. Anyways I was 183 this morning so still on track for the weight goal.

The Others

@byn has been the real leader in my book, she's been doing weekly updates and has made some amazing progress in the last year. The small time she's been part of the challenge is just a snap shot of what she's been able to do. Last week she posted HERE, with a bit of an overview of her last year and show'd off this chart, Just amazing! She just broke through a recent plateau to so we better watch out. Be sure to head over and give her a high 5!.

@carrieallen has caught the flu over the last few days, and before that she hit a bit of a road bump too, but there's still lots of time. You can read about her Flu HERE and stop by and give her a pep talk!

@dkid14 has been showing off alot of sneakers over on his blog recently, check them out There looking pretty pristine, so lets hope he's putting them to good use!

I know @buggedout is facing a challenge right around the corner, he's going on a family trip for 2 weeks in Feb, so lets hope he can stay on track though that.

I haven't seen many numbers recently and no biggie, but I think it still be anyone's contest and there's still lots of time for a big come from behind

PS have you seen the super fit dudes hanging out at the #fitnesschallenge tag recently, yikes!

Footer by @bearone

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