Five facts about me

1. I am slightly dieslectsic dyslecik dyslcklick (you get the idea)

I suppose it is very common for people in the visual arts to have dyslexia. In school I was sent to remedial class, I think this helped alot and also encouraged my creative thinking. I was quite late to read and it was only when I discovered Enid Blyton that I was hooked and read all of her books letter by letter till I found a formula which worked for me. Now I can read 60 words a minute, at least.
To this day I still mix up my Ds and Bs (or is that Bs and Ds?) and have to go a through a process in my head of thinking of the word 'bed', visualising that and drawing the correct character as it appears in the word. I hope we all have these little quirks.
I must at this point thank Spell Checker for helping me along the way and apologise to any of my readers for obvious errors here and there.


2 I have an addictive personality

But can stop whenever I like. @condra mentioned his fondness for popcorn. That was me several years ago, needing at least one large bag of Manhattan© goodness to get me through the evening.
Now I have graduated onto peanuts. Popcorn, as I'm sure you know. is a gateway drug.


3 I had a pet four legged duck

And I stole him from the Irish prime minister, An Taoiseach Charlie Haughey. This may sound quite random but it's the truth, Scouts honor. One day I may make a post about my little ducky


4 I am writing this on the back of an envelope in my car

My child is sleeping in the back. These days I have to find any moment of peace I can to write a Steemit post.


5 I have an umbilical hernia

You what? My belly button is faulty and wants to turn me inside out. A doctor told me it is a defect since birth and I should get it fixed but it will take 6 weeks of rest to heal from the procedure, time which I can't afford right now.
For now I just push my innards back in when they pop out. Too much info? Don't worry it's not a big problem and my navel does most of the other things I need it to.
Maybe when my crypto ship comes in I'll get it sorted


image of a celeriac

6 I find it hard to obey rules

They are there to be broken and sometimes you can learn to do things in new and unexpected ways outside the accepted norms. This is probably not one of those cases.

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