5 Facts About Me (Expose Yourselves)

This is another challenge on the platform. I was nominated two days ago by my fellow Greek Steemian @filotasriza3 - actually he called for the whole Greek community, so in case you missed his post, I'm letting you know now ;)

What's this all about? Nothing more than the title says... Five Facts About Me!

#1 I was overweight until I turned 21.

A chubby child that grew up to be a fat teenager and later a plump young woman finally decided to zip it and lose about 20 kilos - we 're talking about a lot of weight considering I'm 1.6o meters tall. 

#2 I am a gym addict

All this obesity thing ended with me hitting the gym every day. Not that I am a fitness freak, it's more like a cheap and healthy psychotherapy for me. With my headphones on I put on a show every day, working out, singing and dancing between sets - I am the gym's mascot :P

#3 Stubborn and whiny like hell

My mum keeps telling that I took that from my father. I can be really stubborn and vindictive, a total brat! Oh! and I whine! Yes, I can whine a lot, although I have made very good progress over the years and I am not the bitch I used to be in the past - maybe whining levels decreased with body-fat :P

#4 I have a shoes obsession

I love shoes! I have more than 50 pairs at home. From trainers and sandals to heels and boots, shoes are something I can hardly resist to. Although I must admit that my over-consuming days are over. I think I only got 4 pairs in 2017.

#5 I am a fountain of sarcasm and black humour

I can make fun of almost anything. Not that I do it on purpose, it's just that my mind spits out "poisonous" lines many times during the day. It's like an untamed horse, you try to put on a leash, but it won't obey.

Screw the rules, I'll give you a #6 I have a thing for rhymes, puns and crossword puzzles

I love language, so rebuses and crossword puzzles have always been among my favorite past-time activities. There were summers that I could solve puzzles for 2-3 hours every day. I have also been making up funny rhymes and changing famous song lyrics ever since primary school and my love for puns is quite obvious in some of my posts.

Well, that's all for now. I don't know if all these "facts" have ruined the image you had on your minds about me or if they made you like me more. 

And now, I would like to call for a few of the people I interact over the platform so that we get to know them a little better (names in alphabetical order):

It would be fun if you guys wanted to share some extra personal information with us :)

*Images by @ruth-girl

Thanks a lot for your time and support, if you want to see some more of my posts, follow the links below:

Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people!

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