RE: RE: Vote Negation? Flag Review Council? Other Solutions?
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RE: Vote Negation? Flag Review Council? Other Solutions?

RE: Vote Negation? Flag Review Council? Other Solutions?

I was the person @krnel flagged. I don't think I qualify as a troll either, thank you very much.

It's pretty ironic that you asked me a question and censored my responses. But I am not surprised considering I flagged you in the first place. The difference between you and I are that I really do not care if you flag any of my content, and in fact welcome you to. I will not flag this post since you are trying to have a conversation about how to improve the system overall. I disagree with introducing more bureaucracy into the mix by having a flag council, however.

As I mentioned before, the root of this problem is that the dollar amount associated with a post is an estimate until the payout occurs. That value is always in flux, as stake is allocated and removed, flags are applied, etc. Showing someone a high amount with the false expectation that it will stay that high is creating cognitive dissonance, and making people feel bad. I think having the estimated payout amount be shown so prominently in the UI may be psychologically unhealthy. I propose a visual indicator of some UI component that shows the relative value of one post vs. other posts instead.

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