Dear Friends,
I would like to share a video I created yesterday ( 5th July 2018 ). When I was leaving school on 4th of July from school. I had to wait in a shop for the heavy rain. I had to wait around 2 hours there. After that day, the river overloaded and water coming to our area where the school is located. It is really a dirty water as drain and everything is uncovered here.
Yesterday was two programs for me. Arrange fruits program for kids at @SchoolForSDG4 and arrange training class for @WomenEmpowerment. But I didn't know the road is under water and as we had the schedule classes, We must had to do it. I am too tired to write a long posts. I am not sure.But kids loved to come school in time and even before me some of them reached at school.
N.B: By upvoting this post you are supporting me @Azizbd personally, not my charity @SchoolForSDG4
Please contact me @Azizbd for any information .