Wildflowers Series # 4 - Cape-Weed (Arctotheca Calendula)


Arctotheca Calendula

Arctotheca Calendula

is a plant genus from Asteraceae family ( Sun-flower ) , commonly known as Cape-Weed , Cape Marigold, Cape Dandelion or Treasureflower; it's originates from the Cape Province South Africa.
They may looks good but considered as Noxious Weed. They can cause serious problems in agriculture land.
Capeweed #flowers are pretty, some people do plant them in their garden. Beware these are actually weeds that can eventually take over your garden.

Close up view.

reference source content for further reading Capeweed

Wildflowers Series # 4 - Capeweed (Arctotheca Calendula)
Photography and Author by @bullionstackers
Day Photography - Original By @bullionstackers
100% Own Work.
All Content Copyright Reserved

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#whalepower #photography

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