Summer Squash Flower
Squash makes large flowers, which can be fried with or without filling, or filled and cooked in the oven or steamed, in pasta or soup, and they can of course be eaten raw. There are two types of flowers, male and female. The blossoms look the same, but are easily separated because the female flowers already show a little bit of fruit behind the flower. The flower of the male flower can only pollinate, and the plant makes enough of these for you to take some of them without a bad conscience.
Summer squash is a plant with normal green or yellow fruits, but some also have other colors, which are more rare. The most common varieties have fruits with a cucumber-like shape, but other shapes also occur. Winter squash has harder outer shell, and usually sweeter meat, than summer squash. It can also be stored significantly longer. Winter squash looks more like a pumpkin than summer quash, which we are used to, but they are used in the same way.
Location: Jæren, Norway
Camera: Nikon P900
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Photographer: @flatman
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