What do we know about flowers?

What do we know about flowers? These are beautiful plants that accompany a person all his life. Different types of flowers have different symbols, whether it is a declaration of love, faithfulness, friendship, respect and even memory.


Some flowers are eaten. From dandelions make salads, chicory perfectly replaces coffee. Of the flowers of chrysanthemum, they also make a salad, and from the root of the lotus, they make soup.


The ability of colors to "navigate in time" was used by Karl Linnaeus and created the world's first flower clock in Uppsala, Sweden, in 1720. The dial of these unusual watches consisted of several sectors, each of which increased flowers of a certain type. With the help of such a clock it was possible to determine the time quite accurately.


There was a time when there were no tulips in Holland. They were brought there from Turkey in the XVI century. In those days tulips cost unheard of money. One tulip bulb cost more than two thousand dollars! Tulip is one of the fastest growing plant species. In a day, he can grow an average of 2 cm.


The first plant that blossomed and gave seeds in space in the absence of gravity is Arabidopsis. Its life cycle is only 40 days; A copy of Arabidopsis was grown in 1982 on board the Russian space station Salyut-7.


No holiday can not do without such a gift as flowers. Flowers, thanks to their beauty and aroma, can instantly cheer up and leave pleasant memories.
They make our life more beautiful.
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In the photo, today's my photos of summer flowers.
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