
Devyasil, in the distant past used in relation to various diseases. This vegetation with powerful flowers of yellow color. Most suitable for better use, at the age of 2-3 years, because early does not have a proper abundance of full-value substances. In the formulation of public medicine, the drug is known. A decoction made from the the root, is one of the useful methods in the fight against gastric pathology, it's like an ulcer or gastritis, they are also used for acute and persistent infections of the respiratory organ. The drug has a property, diuretic and antimicrobial effect. decoction, is used as an antifungal a drug. In addition, is boiled, then rinse the mouth and throat with inflammatory processes, and rinseheavily with injuries. But this plant has limitations to the drug, should not be prescribed to people with serious cardiovascular disorders, as well as with unhealthy kidneys

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