100 Followers Appreciation Post // Writing and Drinking Through The Days With CryptoCurrency

I realized that I've hit over 100 followers and also recently had a breakout post. Thank you everyone! To celebrate, I cooked myself a pizza stir fry and drank a gin martini in my hotel room. Tomorrow, I'll continue working on the novel so I can meet my deadline to be finished by mid-September.
Me, in my natural habitat.

I'm a little late to the cryptocurrency game. I remember back in 2011 I was a videogame tester in Austin and people in our QA room were talking about bitcoins, but I dismissed it as something only ultra-nerds would be in to. (Notice the hypocrisy, as I was a videogame tester.) Cut to 2016, and I started finally researching it. I'd been -really- busy drinking it up in Seattle and falling into a depressive hole of oblivion, so I hadn't really been indulging my usual curiosities. And well, writing. So only recently did I begin to research it, mostly for a book I was working on, and I was curious. But unless you're into spending a lot of money, or mining for pennies, there's not many opportunities to get into a crypo in this day and age of 900 shitcoins.

Steemit is the first platform I've seen that lets a normal person into the crypto game, easily and with a currency they already possess that has nothing to do with money - their intelligence, wit, humor, passion. It makes me envision a utopia in which people can circulate and follow their passions in a post-money economy. Ah, maybe some day.

Some more about me:

Me at age 19, living in Oklahoma with my grandparents. The dog's name is Jezebel. When I dropped out of college back in 2009, I lived with them for about six months. I started my novel, The Crooked God Machine, in their basement.

In Seattle, shortly before I left to move back to Austin after I had a chance meeting with my old QA manager and we began dating. I've probably worn this dress twice, and I never knew where it went. For a short time I ran a fashion blog, until I got bored of just posing in pretty pictures.

A few months ago in the Great Salt Planes of Oklahoma with my aunt, digging for selenium crystals with our bare hands. I traveled down there to visit my grandparents, and my Dad drove in from Texas to visit.

Two of three of my puppies. The black one is The Kid. The white and black one is Pris. (Named after Bladerunner.) We got The Kid feral. The lady who was fostering him tried to convince me to take the more socialized dog, but I wasn't having it. So now he's part of our wild family.

I tried to be a model for a while, in that tumblr-esque style. This photo was by Jordan Schiappa

Most days I look like this, though.

This is me a few months ago before I left Austin, reading from my short story "Skin Suits," at a bizarro reading, which will come out in an anthology about unusual possession from Martian Migraine Press.I decided in the last minute to do a costume change to coincide with the character in the story changing his "Skin Suit." Except I hadn't really practiced it, so for a moment I think everyone thought I was awkwardly stripping.

Thanks again, Steemit!

Follow me on twitter, facebook, or on my website. You can also buy my books here
Stock photo from Pixabay

Some of my other posts you may be interested in:
The Sunlight Hurts My Eyes // Writing Into New Worlds // Personal
My Rules for Writing // Personal // Writer's Journal
[Flash Fiction] The Astronaut in the Interstellar Museum of Sentient Species
Taking a Break From Writing // Known Unknowns, Epiphanies, and Invisible Processes // Writing Journal

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